- αποτελούμενο από :
- horizontal swivable 450 mm shower arm
- exposed Safety Mixer with Aquadimmer function
- allows change between:
- head shower Rainshower Mono 310
- με σφαιρική ένωση
- γωνία περιστροφής ± 15°
- εκροή λουτρού
- separate diverter for hand shower
- hand shower Rainshower SmartActive 130
- adjustable in height with gliding element
- including performance grip
- Silverflex shower hose 1750 mm
- GROHE Water Saving 9.5 l/min flow limiter
- GROHE TurboStat compact cartridge
- διακόπτης ασφαλείας σε 38° C
- GROHE SafeStop Plus optional temperature limiter at 43°C included
- GROHE CoolTouch no risk of scalding
- GROHE DreamSpray perfect spray pattern
- GROHE SmartTip showering spray selection via push of a ring
- Φινίρισμα GROHE Long-Life
GROHE FastFixation upper bracket adjustable
- SpeedClean σύστημα αποφυγής αλάτων ασβεστίου
- Inner WaterGuide for a longer life
- suitable for instantaneous heaters from 18 kW/h
- minimum flow rate 7 l/min.